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How do you attract your target customers? As you know, attracting new customers is a costly process. It’s a well known fact that it costs far more to attract a new customer than to keep a current one. And yet many (most?) organisations spend more on the first than on the second! Do you?

Of course, it is also important that you are trying to attract the right customers. So how do you define that? Do you just go after the same type of customers as the ones you already have? If so, that is relatively easy. But perhaps there is an even more attractive segment to go after, that you have been ignoring.

If you want to attract more of the same type of customer, then you just need to know and understand them as deeply as possible. That can be done through listening and observation, as well as through market research. But if you want to grow your business faster, then you should probably also look at attracting new customers.

I am already assuming that you have run an analysis of the category user segments. If not, that that should be your first step. The BCG attractiveness and ability to win matrix will enable you to not only identify the best segment to go after, it will also enable you to see the next best group to target.

One additional tip I give my clients is to check the category in which they are competing. Not the one they think they are in, but the category that users see them competing in. It can sometimes be vastly different! And may even explain why you are not growing as fast as you had hoped.

Being customer centric means choosing the right products and services, for the right customers, and then marketing to them with the right message, where and when they are ready to listen.

For your communications to be engaging they should talk about benefits and solutions, rather than the features of what you are offering. You know that already. Answering customer needs or desires is the best way to connect with them so that what you offer resonates with them.


Why not take a look at who you are trying to attract and how? You might just find that the market has changed but you haven’t!