Do you want to attract all category users? Of course you do! But that is not as easy as it may seem.
Following on from the last post about identifying the category in which you are competing, you also need to know the sub-category of your brand.
Category users are not all the same, unless the category is very small and niche, responding to a very precise customer need. In most cases there will be differences between category customers and you need to know which group is the best one for your brand.
To do this, it is important to divide all users into groups that have similar attitudes or behaviours. This can be done in its simplest form by observation of their demographics. Or you can use more sophisticated methods such as market research or segmentation analyses.
Just make sure that the segments you develop fulfil the five conditions of the MIDAS touch. You know, that the groups should be Measurable, Identifiable, Definable, Actionable and Substantial.
If your segmentation does not result in groups that meet all five criteria then it is not going to help you to attract, delight and retain the customers you want.
One more thing to keep in mind is how complex the criteria you use are when defining your two axes. If you use just demographic criteria, then your segmentation is likely to be similar to your competitors’. Therefore, try to include geographic, behavioural, lifestyle or value-based criteria as well, for more robust and less easily copied segments.
If you already have a segmentation that you use to identify the best customers for your brand, it might be worth reviewing it. How long ago was it developed?